Strata: Eleanor Alberga Orchestral Works

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Castalian String Quartet; Thomas Kemp - conductor; BBC Symphony Orchestra; Eleanor Alberga (1949-); © 2024 Resonus Classics, England; Total playing time [74:51]

Resonus: “British composer Eleanor Alberga is renowned for her mastery of orchestral colour and form. With her distinctive blend of lyricism and rhythmic dynamism, Alberga crafts a sonic journey that is both exhilarating and deeply moving.

From the arresting grandeur of the symphonic landscapes in her first symphony, Strata, to the pulsating and evocative energy of Mythologies, each piece is a testament to Alberga's boundless creativity.

The BBC Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of Thomas Kemp, are joined by the Castalian String Quartet for Tower with its cascading melodies and rhythmic intensity, embodying both strength and intimate intricacies.”

…a wonderfully fresh First Symphony from Eleanor Alberga… Echoes of Bartók’s nature music give it rustling, flurrying energy; a love of Stravinsky surely shapes how Alberga handles tension. Like both composers, she always finds moments for the music to dance.” Rebecca Franks, BBC Music Magazine. Read full review here.

“The BBC Symphony Orchestra, well directed by Thomas Kemp, are on point throughout Alberga’s often whimsical yet always closely argued music. There is a sense of discovery here communicated as positively as one could hope for… ‘Mythologies’ is an entertaining, well-crafted suite that makes a virtuosic conclusion to a splendid album. Warmly recommended.” Guy Rickards, Gramophone Magazine. Read full review here.

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