Letters of a Love Betrayed (2009)

Genre: Opera; Date of composition: 2009; Libretto by: Donald Sturrock; Language: English; Duration: 120’00; Publisher: Eleanor Alberga

Request Hire


Analía Torres – Soprano

Eugenio Torres – Bass

Luis Torres – Tenor

Camino Torres – Boy Treble

Gloria Cardenes – Mezzo-Soprano

Mother Superior – Mezzo-Soprano

El Chofer Loco/Priest – Bass-Baritone

José Lopez – Tenor


Fl(/picc/afl) Ob(/CA/Sop.Ocarina/Alt.Ocarina) Cl(/Bcl/Micro Ocarina/Mini Ocarina/Thumb Piano) Bsn(/Cbsn) / Hn(/Thumb Piano) C.Tpt(/Thumb Piano) / Perc / Hp Gtr(/Tiplé/Thumb Piano/Crystal Glass/Cabasa) / 2Vn Va Vc Db(/Crystal Glass)

Percussion (1 player):

Tubular Bells, Vibraphone (with bow), Glockenspiel, Timpani, Bass Drum, Triangle, Suspended Cymbal, Cymbals, Tam-tam, Maracas, Hi-Hat, Cabasa, Shaker (suspended), Roto-tom, 3 Tom-toms (low, medium, high), 2 Cowbells, Tambora, 3 Small Gongs (low, medium, high), Sandblocks, 4 Woodblocks, Bamboo Chimes, Glass Wind Chimes, Metal Wind Chimes

Commissioning Body: Music Theatre Wales / Royal Opera House

Premiere Performance: 2nd October 2009: Linbury Theatre, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, UK

Premiere Director: Michael McCarthy

Premiere Performers: Mary Plazas (Analia), Paul Keohone (Priest), Jonathan May (Eugenio), Arlene Rolph (Mother Superior), Christopher Steele (Luis), Erwan Hughes (Camino), Richard Edgar-Wilson (José), Michael Rafferty (Conductor), Music Theatre Wales Orchestra


Market of the Dead