Succubus Moon (2007)

Date of composition: 2007; Duration: 12’00; Commissioning body: City of London Festival; Publisher: Eleanor Alberga

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Eleanor writes:

“The romantic and the demonic lie side-by-side in this work. Over centuries, man has interpreted his fear of the dark and unknown as caused by beings and superstitions outside himself. One of these interpretations became Incubi and Succubi - evil presences doing harm to humans. The piece juxtaposes the ethereal, tranquil, and reflective moon against the impenetrable darkness of the night where the demonic and seductive Succubus reigns.

The music goes from sparse to more driven rhythmic sections, to dreamy moonstruck moments, and finally drifts away. Towards the end there is, unusually, a C major chord — a ray of hope as the moon shines out amidst the primal terror.”


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